By the beach, we came to an area that was roped off and heavily protected by police. Very ordinary people were arriving, seemingly from shuttle boats from one of the big hotels. Perhaps because of the rope and the police, a crowd had gathered, and we joined it. I watched which direction the police were looking, and I tried to determine the fame of the people walking the carpeted walkway. Was that guy in the jeans carrying the expensive leather bag a key confident of Spielberg? Was the woman with five plastic ID cards hanging from her neck doing advance work for Scarlett Johansson? Our own straining for a better look and my taking a few photos with my Nikon no doubt helped attract others to the scene. It might have been natural to ask someone, “what’s going on here?” or “who are we waiting for?” but that seemed totally gauche. I instinctively took on the demeanor of someone very connected, who knew exactly who was coming, and when they would arrive. After about 15 minutes of this, during which time we made good progress toward the rope as others got tired of waiting, we finally left too. But not before someone famous enough to have a cameraman filming his walk down the walkway arrived. He had curly hair, dark glasses, and a cool white and red bag. If you recognize him, please leave a comment on the blog with his name. Posted by Hello

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