Monthly Archives: February 2008

Viva Obama!

Every time I watch this, it brings me to happy tears. I admit it. I also don’t think Hillary’s lock on the Latino vote is as secure as it once seemed. Send to KindleTweet

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Kindle’s Promising Long Tail for Writers

I just finished a work-in-progress on my Kindle, Believe by Daniel Oran. I learned about it from the Kindle Daily Post which appears when I go to the Kindle Store on my device. It seems that Daniel Oran posted his … Continue reading

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Most Convincing Case for Obama I’ve Ever Seen

Via Baratunde Thurston and Steve Garfield, I have just spent 20 minutes watching a crystal-clear presentation of the case for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. The creator is Lawrence Lessig. The most mind-boggling correction in the video, in my opinion, … Continue reading

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