Monthly Archives: September 2011

All Aboard for new Kindle(s?)

Note: Stephen Windwalker of the inimitable Kindle Nation Daily asked me to live-blog the Amazon press conference tomorrow in NYC, at which there will be some kind of announcement involving the Kindle. We’ve set up this Google Docs page that … Continue reading

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The Futility of Arguing with Rick Perry

Today’s chapter of Understanding Media is titled “Ads” with a mischievous subtitle, “Keeping Upset with the Joneses.” Oh Marshall, you devil.  But as usual, McLuhan delivers the goods.  My top take-away is his insight that “The protestors are the best … Continue reading

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Of Dogs, Cars and the Future of Man

I’ve read an entire chapter of Marshall McLuhan’s Understanding Media this morning, looking for a connection with the above photo that I took yesterday at Ocean Park. Nothing. Marshall is in rare form, toying with the automobile like–thank you very … Continue reading

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