Web Flotsam

The Litblog Co-op, a gang blog of 21 American blogueurs trying to promote quality books missed by the mainstream, inspires a contributor to a French blog to wonder, “A quand la même chose dans la blogosphère francophone?”

I’ve added this to my “Books to Buy” list–Lord Byron’s Novel: The Evening Land by John Crowley, based on an author interview and my own fascination with Byron. First found here.

If Byron was the first rock-star-popular poet, Stephen Vincent Benet was the last one, suggests Frank Wilson, book review editor at The Philadelphia Inquirer “Imagine: A poet delivering radio broadcasts, writing screenplays and radio shows. And a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner to boot. His books sold well, too.”

Someone who lurks on blogs would be…a “blurker”! (Coined by Megan Abbott.)

The Mayor of Washington, D.C., started a blog three days ago. It has one post and, at last count, 32 comments including this one:

Mr. Mayor: I have seen you in the Whole Foods wine section. What is your favorite bottle of wine and where is it produced? Also, speaking of Whole Foods, do you have any idea why they removed their outdoor seating on P Street? Thanks. And welcome to the world of blogs.

I will be curious to see if the deluge of comments sinks this new blog before Hizzoner dares to venture back for his second posting…

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