Of All the Roads…

Back in Denver, enjoying two days of spectacularly clear, dry weather, I find myself wondering what all this fuss was about moving to Boston. If it’s about building closer links with my family, there are simpler ways to accomplish that goal. Like the phone. For some reason, I am very reluctant to pick up the phone and talk to my father unless he and I have some sort of important family business deal to discuss. So this afternoon I rang him up, and we chatted for 20 minutes about this and that, just as we would while walking on the beach at Ocean Park. Whaddya know? The truth is, my connections in the West are strong after nearly 25 years of living in Wyoming and Denver. This city has a terrific mayor, John Hickenlooper, who isn’t afraid to dream big and take practical steps toward his dreams, such as eliminating homelessness in 10 years or building a competitive advantage for Denver through culture and the arts. So it’s great to be feeling closer to my family as a result of the month’s visit in Maine. And it’s also great to be back home.

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