Amarillo Recap

We’re exhausted after a long afternoon of canvassing for Obama in Canyon, Texas, near Amarillo. Most of the people weren’t home, so we left literature. I had nice visits with several people, including one guy who’d voted for Obama and needed information about how to do the crucial second part of the Texas Two Step–show up for the caucus at 7 p.m. Tuesday night to vote again. This is a very strange setup, but it makes the game fun. It’s one thing to lure volunteers from out of state; quite another to coach them in this complicated primary-caucus game.

I experimented with the Nokia N95 and Qik, uploading clips titled Politeness Counts, Lunch Break, Amarillo Streets, Odd Numbers, A McCain Voter, Lotsa Walking, Practicing Politeness, and Canvass Done.

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