Breakfast of Activists

This morning in Boston I attended a breakfast conversation titled “The New Paradigm of Social Movements” at the offices of The Philanthropic Initiative, facilitated by TPI founder Peter Karoff, author of The World We Want. It was a high-energy, thoughtful discussion of the elements that are required to create successful social movements adequate to take on global challenges such as climate change.

I set up a live stream using UStream, but instead of getting one single video archive, I have lots of them, because the Internet connection kept cutting out. Here are the pieces of a fascinating, deep consideration of our shared future:

TPI Breakfast 1
TPI Breakfast 2
TPI Breakfast 3
TPI Breakfast 4
TPI Breakfast 5
TPI Breakfast 6
TPI Breakfast 7
TPI Breakfast 8
TPI Breakfast 9
TPI Breakfast 10

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