A view yesterday of Jordan Pond from the Carriage Road.
What a gorgeous spot Acadia National Park is! Compared with Yellowstone, it’s a postage stamp. But we had a sweaty, great time biking from the Brown Mountain gate to the excellent restaurant at Jordan Lake. Popovers and seafood chowder, served on a patio overlooking the lake = a sweet way to turn 60.
I’m reading a poignant, brilliant novel that keeps making the point that being human is a rare gift, often wasted on those to whom it is granted. It’s The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, who chose as narrator a dog named Enzo. Darlene read the book for a book group in Denver, and she thinks it failed, partly she balked at the idea that life is like race car driving, another important theme in the novel. Me, I’m loving Enzo, who believes he will be reincarnated as a human. In the middle of the night when I was reading on my Kindle, I bookmarked this pearl:
To separate oneself from the burden, the angst, the anguish that we all encounter every day. To say I am alive, I am wonderful, I am. I am. That is something I aspire to. When I am a person, that is how I will live my life.
I love that my Kindle tells me that 258 other readers highlighted that same passage in the book. If Stein has a Kindle, he can go through in real time and see which lines of his creation are touching hearts and minds the most. Very cool.
He hasn’t said so in the book yet, but I bet Enzo is looking forward to riding a bike, too. I’m headed out now for a ride on Eden Street and the Acadia loop road. This one’s for Enzo…