Technologist’s Remorse


Translation of the above into keystrokes on a wireless keyboard:

Much as I love my Understanding McLuhan Tumblr blog, I miss paper and ink.

MM at p. 6 of GG: At any rate, The Gutenberg Galaxy is a prolonged meditation on that theme of J. Z. Young.

Young’s money quote: “it is important to realize that great changes in ways of ordinary human speaking and acting are bound up with the adoption of new instruments.

So: does my speaking and action — or thinking — change when I shift instruments, from MacBook Pro to Uni-ball Signo 207 on Levenger paper?

With five hours of sleep, I’m not well-equipped to consider this yet this morning

NOTE: This is a cross-post from my new daily project – an ongoing meditation on the life and work of Marshall McLuhan. I’ll be posting my daily musings here and at Understanding McLuhan.  The URL for the McLuhan project is .

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