Monthly Archives: February 2005

Home, Home on the Blog

Back home in downtown Denver, I find that a blogger I began following on St. John is a fellow Denverite. His blog, Rake’s Progress, has generated enough interest to get cited by fellow lit bloggers enough times for me to … Continue reading

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Island Writing

One morning two weeks ago I found myself at Hawksnest Beach on the north shore of St. John, an hour early for the outdoor AA meeting. It was a cool, cloudy day. The beach looked smaller with no one on … Continue reading

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My new friend Gus and I sold a total of eight T-shirts at the St. John Arts Festival today, raising $115 to benefit arts education scholarships for kids on St. John. Gus moved here from Chicago in 1998 and has … Continue reading

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Techno Marriage Breakthrough

Odd things happen in the islands. Today was the first day Darlene cashed in on the Wind Spirit Agreement, in which she can ask for four hours of techno help each week. Tonight up at her sister’s house, she asked … Continue reading

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Sisters at Solomon BeachDarlene and Deb yesterday afternoon at a beach located a half-hour’s hike on a National Park trail from Cruz Bay. Send to KindleTweet

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This morning in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, we came across a riot of pigeons and schoolchildren in a square near our hotel. It appeared to be a field trip to feed the pigeons. Kids lined up to receive plastic … Continue reading

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24 Hours in Old San Juan

Darlene’s sister Deborah had business in San Juan yesterday, so the three of us flew from St. Thomas (population 51,000) to Puerto Rico (population 3.9 million) and back, staying overnight at the Hotel el Convento . I had never been … Continue reading

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From left, Lola, Mauri Elbel, me, MaLinda Nelson, and Jaime Elliott stand for a group portrait in front of the Tradewinds office in Cruz Bay. Send to KindleTweet

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