Sibling Poetry

My sister and I are preparing a poetry reading, titled “Sibling Poetry: A Brother-Sister Conversation in Poems,” scheduled for next week in Cambridge. I used this photo, taken by the Sudbury River 40-some years ago, for the invitation. I love the haunted look of our beloved basset, Pokey, because of how it balances the sunny smiles of the siblings. Childhood is a mix of smiles and haunted looks, just like any other time of life, it seems. Steph began writing poems way before I did. The poems she will read are concise, powerful little stones of insight and sensibility which prefigure the work she did later as a sculptor. Mine are chatty and discursive by comparison. I think they go well together, and we plan to alternate back and forth, letting the poems talk to one another. I will be listening carefully to see what they have to say.

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