The Day After

The well-stuffed family gathers on the steps of the cottage for the traditional photo. Thanksgiving Day began stormy, with snow and wind and rain, and ended with the bright yellow sunlight slanting onto the ocean from the west. After the photo, my cousin Jim’s son Andrew put on two wetsuits and went surfing in the 50-degree water. Most of the rest of us took naps.

Today, after all the guests had left, Darlene and Claire and I made our way to the Maine Mall. Just for laughs, I stopped at Best Buy and asked if they had any XBox 360s available. A sales guy told me the store had immediately sold out the 40 or 50 they were allotted for Opening Night Tuesday, and the next shipment may or may not arrive before Christmas. Now we are at Borders in the cafe. Claire is asleep on a chair in her travel bag, exhausted after the delight of having five other dogs to terrorize for two days.

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