Waking Up in Maine Again

Hooper Cottage, originally uploaded by LenEdgerly.

The Hooper Cottage just before sunrise this morning was lit with its own glow from the porch. It’s a summer cottage built more than 100 years ago, and it faces dune grass, sand, and ocean. We’ll be here for the month of August, settling into the long-ago rhythms of surf and sand. This place is next door to the one my great-grandfather Skelton purchased for his wife in the 1930s, which later was the place my parents honeymooned. So I like to say I’ve been coming here since before I was born.
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These days the Hooper has a fast internet connection, so it’s the best of old and new. I’m about to turn to iMovie for work on today’s episode of the Video Pod Chronicles. It will portray my overnight stay at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center, which already seems like a memory from from decades ago, like when I got my first tricycle here at the beach for a birthday present. In the home movie, I carefully put on my shades before climbing aboard.

Other photos from this morning are up in my Flickr set of Ocean Park.

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