Live Blogging from Technology in the Arts

Interactive Marketing with Web 2.0
Maryanne Devine, smArts & Culture – you can podcast from your phone

The Center for Arts in Natick – created a YouTube channel created contest for people to put together short videos/animation on YouTube. People voted and narrowed it down for winner. It then was used to publicize The Residents: The River of Crime, an online community art project

Flickr group for Technology in the Arts conference. Maryanne takes photos of us that will be tagged for conference.

AVA Opera Blog – example of effective use of blog by an arts organization. Done by guy in organization who knew all the gossip. Danny’s adventures at The Academy of Vocal Arts. Has generated a big following.

Try Twitter! A library in Arizona Twitters book recommendations. Smart.

Use Widgets. Rijkswidget from a Rijksmuseum that puts a new painting image on your desktop each day. An IM Widget on her blog lets people IM her without having IM client. People could have conversation with your box office manager, who can have more than one IM conversation at a time, if they’re under 30! She also has a search widget from Google. She’s using widgets that help people on her site.

Blinx widget. You go to site, type in search term and it shows all video tagged with that term. Creates a video wall based on your keyword. Example is tag Louvre. Shows tourist videos, Second Life machinima, great combination of things. Can stream the video directly to your site and engage people more. Connect people with an artist you’re showing. I couldn’t find the precise place at Blinx where you get the widgit and will go back later to learn more. Brilliant.

Now the class participation portion of the session. Divides us into six sections. Brainstorm a Web 2.0 technology for your organization. Five minutes. Lots of ideas bubble up from participants, many of them involving Twitter. Set up a username for your museum, so visitors can see what they’re Tweeting about experience. Stream the Tweets like a stock ticker somewhere in museum.

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