Monthly Archives: December 2007

My Kindle!

Love at first sight. I’ve subscibed to The Atlantic and read a sweet poem be Stuart Dischell, “She Put Her Lipstick on in the Dark.” Mobile post sent by LenEdgerly using Utterz.  Replies. Send to KindleTweet

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View Out My Window

Downtown Denver dressed up for the Holy Season of Shopping. Mobile post sent by LenEdgerly using Utterz.  Replies.  mp3 Send to KindleTweet

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Digital Dance Demo

Great presentation at New England Foundation for the Arts, in which simple movements are turned into complex images by a projector and computer. Mobile post sent by LenEdgerly using Utterz.  Replies. Send to KindleTweet

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Boston Common

Brrrrrrrr! Mobile post sent by LenEdgerly using Utterz.  Replies.  mp3 Send to KindleTweet

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My Grandson J Comes to Play

We’ve got books and trucks ready for our guest! Mobile post sent by LenEdgerly using Utterz.  Replies.  mp3 Send to KindleTweet

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Social-Savvy Travel Guide Finds a Great Photo

A while back I received an e-mail from Emma Williams, managing editor of Schmap Guides, asking if they could use a photo I’d taken during a stay at the Admiral Fell Inn in Baltimore. She said there would be no … Continue reading

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