Missoula Morning

Getting ready for today’s presentation at the Montana Arts Council Marketing Tune-Up in Missoula. We have an engaged group of participants attending, about 35 in all, representing the Chantilly Players from Stevensville, the legendary Missoula Children’s Theatre, the Missoula Community Chorus, Missoula Cultural Council, Missoula Symphony Association, Montana Repertory Theatre, and the Sunburst Foundation from Eureka.

My co-presenters are Jim Copenhaver and Dale Erquiaga, whom we are zooming in via the wonders of Skype video and a backup speaker phone, which we had to use briefly yesterday when the Skype audio went south. Plan B kept Dale’s image on the screen while we listened to him on the speaker phone. I hope the Internet is kinder today, when I’ll be hooking up with Robert John Cook from Cape Cod to give a brief testimony on how podcasting has opened up surprising new doors in his career as an artist and musician.

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