Jo’burg Update

Briefly, we’re here.

Our scheduled transport from the Johannesburg airport to the Protea Hotel Wanderers never showed, and I was not able to make a call from my iPhone.  A police guy at the airport helped out, contacting the hotel, and that resulted in a driver making the trip to fetch us.  Lots of waiting, and check-in at midnight, but all’s well.  The hotel is terrific, but the Internet is expensive and slow, so I’m not sure how steady a blogging habit is indicated.  We’ll see.  For now, one person in the room is trying to sleep and the other is typing on a clattering keypad.

We will rendezvous with Jim and Linda tomorrow morning for help in our orientation.  I have no idea where we are in Johannesburg, but I can tell you the city has an impressive modern airport, as you can tell from the photo taken in the main arrivals area, which we got to know quite well tonight.

More to come…

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