Author Archives: Len

Omaha Duo Routs Nazi Zombies on Way to a Mormon Dance

New Year’s Eve, 2010: My nephew (at right), whose screen name is Eyeddeath13, and his friend, Player 2, are nattily dressed in wide neckties and dress shirts.  They are 14 and 15 years old, respectively, headed later this evening to … Continue reading

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What I Loved Most at Art Basel Miami Beach

A week ago, I spent a lot of my time at the Art Basel Miami Beach show hanging out with this painting by Morris Louis (1912-1962). It was on display at the booth of Ameringer | McEnery | Yohe, a … Continue reading

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Back to the Future of Journalism at The Harvard Crimson

Forty years ago I comped for The Harvard Crimson‘s News Board and became a Staff Writer.  Tonight I was back at 14 Plympton Street, helping out as an SNE, which stands for Senior Night Editor or maybe Story Night Editor.  … Continue reading

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Out of Africa

We arrived home in Cambridge, Mass., yesterday afternoon to find a diorama of lions and giraffes arranged around a geranium plant on our kitchen table, compliments of my playful and creative mother. It was perfect.  We still don’t know what … Continue reading

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When Danger is Now-Now

If a South African tells you something will happen “just now,” they mean sometime in the future — perhaps fairly soon, but not immediately. If it’s happening “now-now,” hold onto your seat on the Land Cruiser. Yesterday at about this … Continue reading

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Kindle Safari: A Convo with Darlene at Tau Game Lodge

I’m cross-posting this audio here, as well as at The Kindle Chronicles show notes page, where you’ll find links to the books we discussed. It’s a recording of the chat Darlene and I on our porch at Tau, about how … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Leaving Madikwe Game Reserve

I’m checking in this morning to confess that my supply of photos and impressions from Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa has far outstripped my ability to create and upload timely posts. This is partly due to funky Internet coverage … Continue reading

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Good Night, Madikwe!

Our evening game drive today featured this wonderful view of giraffes in the Madikwe Game Reserve. It was one of the last photos I took before the light did its fast fade into darkness.  There were about eight giraffes to … Continue reading

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Our Rare Look at the Lion’s Worst Friend

Our seasoned guide at Tau Game Lodge, Morah-Leigh Cooper, manages to convey enthusiasm for sights that we all know she has seen many times before, like lions and elephants and giraffes — oh boy! And these standard sights in the … Continue reading

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The Smell of the Wild

Yesterday evening’s game drive at Tau Game Lodge brought us one step closer to life in the wild. After great sightings of zebra, kudu, impala, water bucks, and rhino our intrepid guide, one of only four women among the 100 … Continue reading

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