Our Yorkie Claire goes most everywhere we do. Just a few weeks after she was born seven years ago, Darlene
bought BROUGHT a black carrying bag to the breeder. Our tiny puppy, who could fit in my shoe, began sleeping in the bag even before she began living with us. So her bag must feel like the womb. She hops into it happily and is content to curl up in it for an entire flight from Denver to Boston. You can see her through the mesh ends of the bag if you look hard enough. If a dog walks by, the bag starts barking, which is embarrassing in a restaurant.
Naturally Claire traveled with us last week to Casper, where we stayed with our friends Tom and Tish. They have a sunny spot they call the Wyoming Room where you can look out at Casper Mountain, where we lived before Claire came into the world. Our dogs were collies then, Ginger and Chester, big dogs suitable for chasing deer right up to the line of the Invisible Fence.
One afternoon in Casper, Claire took a perch on the couch to see what was happening outside. Wind, mainly. But it had her complete attention, long enough for me to snap a series of photos with my iPhone. This one is my favorite.