I am not on a train this morning. I am in my study in downtown Denver. I have no burning desire to elucidate, pontificate, or even ruminate. I just want to see some words appear in the tempting white box on my WordPress “Add New Post” field. In truth, I enjoy the feel of the keys on my Apple wireless keyboard, and I’m a fast typist. Normally it’s a good idea to have something to say, but when you don’t, you can just as easily lay down some words and hear the little rattle of the white squares with letters on them. I also hear the ticking of my great-grandfather’s clock, which I restarted yesterday after a week or so when it was offline.
No need here for a new paragraph, other than the call of visual aesthetics. This is not a new topic, which is what I learned new paragraphs were for. I’m still here, happy to be typing about nothing in particular.
Wait, here is a new topic: I did some archival work yesterday on my old blog, and I’ve moved it to the “Archives” button at the top of the page. If you click there and then click on “Videos and Blog Posts” you’ll see that the most recent entries are from three years ago. On the right side of the screen there is a long list of date ranges, under the heading “Archives.” Click on any of them and you’ll pull up an old post, like bobbing for apples. This new archives area is where I’m keeping my Video Pod Chronicles collection of homemade videos on various topics, thanks to a monthly fee I pay for a Pro account at Blip.tv . As I was looking over the old posts and videos, I was amazed at how much I’ve written and videoed and recorded, all available on servers somewhere in North Dakota or who knows where–Singapore, maybe. How long will it last? Longer than I will, probably.
But now I see that I’m forgetting my fingers and thinking thoughts, so that’s a good sign that it’s time to move on. Next up is a Tech Coffee Klatch with two friends in our building who are nearly as much the early adopters as I am. I will load my cloth bag with the Kindle Fire, basic Kindle, Kindle Touch, and new iPad for show and tell across the street at Starbucks. And I’ll be interested to see what Don and Arlene bring.
I hear the shower running, which means Darlene is getting ready for our outing. We don’t know where we will go, but a vague idea is forming, of taking a walk somewhere in the foothills or mountains. I’m sure it will be unforgettable!