Irish Wheels are Smilin’

Riding my Segway in the Denver St. Patrick’s Day Parade this morning was unbelievably fun. Everyone waved, as if I were a legal entry, and I glided by about 20 of Denver’s finest without their thinking to enforce city ordinances which technically ban Segways from street or sidewalk. (“But this is NOT a motor vehicle,” I told one cranky motorcycle cop who stopped me on a deserted sidewalk on a Sunday morning several months ago. “It’s a personal mobility device.” He let me off with a warning.) I usually feel like a ridiculous dweeb riding the Segway around downtown, lacking only a propeller on my hat. But on parade day I felt like a Duke of the Future, leaving a wake of appreciative comments. “Oh, that’s one of those things!” “Hey, look, it’s a Segway!” One guy ventured out into the street to take my photo, so I handed him my camera and he took this one. Thanks, mate! Posted by Hello

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