New Digital Digs

Thanks to Stuart Paul of Denver, I have this shiney new home page and a new, separate page for the Mile High Pod Chronicles, my podcast and video blog. Stuart did a terrific job translating my yearnings for a new look and functionality into a clean interface befitting the place where we met, the Zen Center of Denver.

The project is accomplished, except for some tinkering, in time for the start of the Great Fall Foliage RV Ramble to New England and Québec, which will begin Monday night with the 2,000-mile drive to Boston. The RV part of the Ramble won’t actually begin until September 9th, when we pick up the rented Southwind near Portland, Maine. The plan is to head north to Québec and wait for the leaves to turn, then drift down through New England following hunches and chance encounters, podcasting and quilting (my wife’s work) as we go. She has fabric everywhere in the apartment, and I am collecting tech gear, so the Volvo is going to be maxed out for the first leg of the adventure.

So welcome to my new online home. Please feel free to leave comments here on the blog, which will be visible to others, or click on “Contact Me” to leave me a private e-mail. Either way, I look forward to hearing from you and hope you will check out for the Ramble. You can also subscribe to the Mile High Pod Chronicles RSS feed on that page, with iTunes, Podcast Alley, or Yahoo Podcasts.

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