Testing a Week Before Departure

A tourist in Lowell, Mass., not Ecuador...

A tourist in Lowell, Mass., not Ecuador…


The blogging kit: Fire HD 8, Pwr+ foldable Bluetooth keyboard. But can it cut and paste from the keyboard? But can it cut and paste from the keyboard? Yes it can. The key is Ctl, just like Command on the Mac. And can I drop a link in? Like maybe to the Pwr+ keyboard as listed at Amazon.com with my Associates link embedded? Yes indeed. Ctl-K opens the link window et voila!

Silk seems to be able to handle the full WordPress blog dashboard, so there is no need to use the sometimes funky WP App.

Let’s try a photo. I will be shooting with the iPhone 6 Plus, uploading to my unlimited space in the Amazon Cloud. I’m checking with Amazon tech support now to see if there is a way I can upload photos automatically, whenever I am on WiFi. As it is, it’s easy to open the AmazonPhoto app on the phone and upload whatever hasn’t been uploaded yet. While I wait on the phone for a tech person–it is Sunday morning, after all, I don’t expect the usual one-minute response–I will upload a photo..

I didn’t have to wait long, as it turned out. The tech guy said I need to open the AmazonPhoto app to upload photos from the iPhone, so that’s okay. He said he would send the team feedback about making it possible for this to take place automatically in the background whenever WiFi is detected, so if you see that feature in a future update of the app, you’ll know where it came from!

Photo upload works fine, and it is handy to be able to fetch photos from the Photo app on the HD 8, synced to my cloud drive. This is pretty sweet.

Now I need to do a test drive of the iOS Opinion app that I plan to use for recording podcast shows during the trip. So far so good!

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