Category Archives: Maine

Jake and Phoebe at Ocean Park

Hand in hand across the dune, two friends set out for the beach. Sun warms their calves, turns her hair to gold. As usual, my grandson has a plan. His shoulders square, arms swing wide, bold steps aim at the … Continue reading

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Contemplative Blog Post

  Sunday in Ocean Park, Maine, brings me back to this infrequently tended garden of words and images that stretches back nearly a decade now. I’ve nothing specific or burning on my mind, except the desire to share this photo … Continue reading

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Do Something Original Today!

  That thought–do something original today–was the first into my mind as I awoke this morning here at Ocean Park, Maine. What might that mean? The third definition of “original” that I found in The New Oxford American Dictionary is “not dependent on … Continue reading

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We are still married after a paddleboard ride before sunrise…

The other day here at Ocean Park, Maine, I convinced my wife to join me on a paddleboard ride before sunrise. She is afraid of the water, and I made a mistake. The mistake was that I didn’t realize the … Continue reading

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Eight Minutes Till Sunrise

  Sometimes here at Ocean Park, dawn’s early light is more amazing than sunrise itself. Today was a good example. As I rolled over in bed toward the windows at about 5:30 a.m., I saw color in the sky that … Continue reading

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Boys at the Beach

My grandson and his stepbrothers have been cavorting here at Ocean Park this weekend. This cranks up the time machine for me, as I squint my eyes and imagine myself on the same beach at their ages. I sense it … Continue reading

Posted in Maine | 2 Comments

Yorkie Morning

This is that wonderful time of day for a dog when anything can happen. Someone may throw the ball for her. Another dog may walk by the cottage, prompting a frenzy of frantic barking. There may be food. For her … Continue reading

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Valentine’s Day in Ocean Park

It’s a chilly ocean here in Maine, compared with the 80-degree water at Maho Bay, where I was swimming last week every morning on St. John, USVI. I’m heading back to Cambridge, Mass., this morning after a brief stay at … Continue reading

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iPhone Launch, Now and Then…

There are about 20 of us lined up along a red-velvet rope in front of the store, two hours before the doors open at 8 a.m. for the launch of iPhone 4S.  Since this is not my first Apple rodeo, … Continue reading

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Of Dogs, Cars and the Future of Man

I’ve read an entire chapter of Marshall McLuhan’s Understanding Media this morning, looking for a connection with the above photo that I took yesterday at Ocean Park. Nothing. Marshall is in rare form, toying with the automobile like–thank you very … Continue reading

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