Category Archives: Life

Cure for the Common Cold: Unplug from the News

Cross-post from Medium I have a hacking cough, runny nose, slight fever, and a feeling of mental slow motion, as if I am thinking under water. Keep your distance — I am probably contagious. It’s a big disappointment, because I had to … Continue reading

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The Power of Habit – in 50 Words

I want to write 500 words daily, so I’m starting with 50. I love Leo Babauta’s six-week habit-formation plan. It’s why I now begin my day with 15 minutes of sitting meditation, eat vegetables at lunch, and practice my guitar … Continue reading

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Contemplative Blog Post

  Sunday in Ocean Park, Maine, brings me back to this infrequently tended garden of words and images that stretches back nearly a decade now. I’ve nothing specific or burning on my mind, except the desire to share this photo … Continue reading

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What I Learned at the Bolder Boulder 10K on Memorial Day

Yesterday my wife Darlene and her friend Marie ran in the 36th annual Bolder Boulder 10k. They completed the race in one hour and 14 minutes. I cheered them on at the finish in the University of Colorado’s Folsom Field stadium. I am … Continue reading

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Getting Things Done Better than Ever–with Siri

  I am a big fan of David Allen’s Getting Things Done approach to getting and staying organized. In the past decade, I have attended two of his one-day seminars and read his book carefully at least twice. I got … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas!

Our family celebrates Christmas this year with a brand-new member, my second grandson. Jake is two months and 10 days old today. He doesn’t believe in Santa Claus yet, but who needs Santa Claus when all the evidence points to … Continue reading

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Do Something Original Today!

  That thought–do something original today–was the first into my mind as I awoke this morning here at Ocean Park, Maine. What might that mean? The third definition of “original” that I found in The New Oxford American Dictionary is “not dependent on … Continue reading

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Small Changes Make a Big Difference: Tea for You?

A month ago I switched from coffee to tea. Darlene and I were at a cooking class taught by Warren Kramer in Brighton, Mass. As an aside, Warren made a statement that nudged me to action. All it took were four simple … Continue reading

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Making Memories

I realized recently that my grandson James is as old as I was when I began remembering my life. When I was five years old, we moved to Pampa, Texas.  I remember the stone house, the ponies we rode, the … Continue reading

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Sixty-one is the New Wonderful

It’s Warren Buffett’s birthday today, and mine too.  At 81, Warren is twenty years further down the road, saving banks and kicking ass.  Sixty-one seems like a very fine age to me this morning, dawning in all its postcard glory … Continue reading

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