Category Archives: New Ideas

Earplay: Alexa hosts a transformative new way to tell stories

Cross-post from Medium This morning I experienced a new skill on my Amazon Echo that totally blew me away. It’s called Earplay. I heard about it by email from Eli Woodward, a Kindle Chronicles listener in Seattle. “As tech-savvy as … Continue reading

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The Power of Habit – in 50 Words

I want to write 500 words daily, so I’m starting with 50. I love Leo Babauta’s six-week habit-formation plan. It’s why I now begin my day with 15 minutes of sitting meditation, eat vegetables at lunch, and practice my guitar … Continue reading

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Meta Meerkat Musings

  The thing about Meerkat, I realized yesterday, is the power of a new point of view.  I received a notification that Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk was going live on Meerkat, so I tuned in, even though I haven’t followed his videos … Continue reading

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Down the Google Glass Hole

My Google Glass arrived 18 days ago. I am wearing it (them?) now as I write down my early impressions. I paid an additional $85 for stereo earbuds, so the sound is okay but not as good as my iPhone … Continue reading

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Exploring their New iPhones, Mom and Dad Recall the Days of Party Lines

Last night I helped my parents activate their new iPhones. It was like watching two kids under a Christmas tree. Dad was loading stock ticker symbols into the Stocks app while Mom texted a photo of him to Jesse, her … Continue reading

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Happy New Year

As for resolutions, one might be to tend this outpost on the net more regularly. But I’ll just mention that as a possibility. Higher up the list of intentions is eating well, which I define as eating a fruit or … Continue reading

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Carless in Denver

Downtown Denver, it turns out, is a pretty good place to live without a car. We are learning the truth of this while we wait for our 2012 Ford Focus to arrive, probably in about three weeks.  Dimples, our beloved … Continue reading

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Seth Godin and the Way Forward

I’ve begun several days of immersion in the work of Internet marketing thinker Seth Godin, as I prepare to interview him on Wednesday for the Reading Edge podcast. Last night I took notes while watching his presentation a year ago … Continue reading

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