Tag Archives: Apple

Exploring their New iPhones, Mom and Dad Recall the Days of Party Lines

Last night I helped my parents activate their new iPhones. It was like watching two kids under a Christmas tree. Dad was loading stock ticker symbols into the Stocks app while Mom texted a photo of him to Jesse, her … Continue reading

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Going for the Gold: Why I Lined Up for a New iPhone

First of all, I am not selling my gold iPhone 5S. As soon as I returned home yesterday morning from the Cambridge, Mass., Apple Store I saw online reports of gold iPhones fetching $1,800 on eBay. It was tempting, but … Continue reading

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Keys to Getting the First iPhone: Preparation, Luck, and Standing Your Ground

(Cross post from thekindlechronicles.com) I didn’t bring my Kindle Paperwhite, but I do have Nicholson Baker’s new novel,Traveling Sprinkler, on my iPad mini Kindle app, so I won’t be lacking for something to read.  As was the case six years ago at … Continue reading

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