Tag Archives: Cambridge

Keys to Getting the First iPhone: Preparation, Luck, and Standing Your Ground

(Cross post from thekindlechronicles.com) I didn’t bring my Kindle Paperwhite, but I do have Nicholson Baker’s new novel,Traveling Sprinkler, on my iPad mini Kindle app, so I won’t be lacking for something to read.  As was the case six years ago at … Continue reading

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My Head of the Charles Regatta List

When I haven’t posted to the blog for a while, I feel a nearly physical pressure to check in here, even when I should be doing something else.  Today is an excellent example, because I have lots to do in … Continue reading

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Departing Denver…

We’re at Gate B22 at Denver International, waiting to Board United 996 nonstop to Boston.  The Yorkie Claire made it through security, as did my carry-on bag full of cables, Kindles, converters, videocams, SD card readers, and dongles of every … Continue reading

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