Category Archives: reading

Contemplative Blog Post

  Sunday in Ocean Park, Maine, brings me back to this infrequently tended garden of words and images that stretches back nearly a decade now. I’ve nothing specific or burning on my mind, except the desire to share this photo … Continue reading

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What Would Mr. Harding Do?

Having recently finished Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope, I spent today gathering and jotting down impressions of one character in this novel, published in 1857. The Rev. Septimus Harding is an Anglican clergyman, musician, loyal father, and minor ecclesiastical official … Continue reading

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What’s on My Kindle This Morning

The Philadelphia Inquirer – Where I learned that the last full-blooded Eyak and fluent speaker of her native language, Marie Smith Jones, died Monday at her home in Anchorage, Alaska. I mainly purchased today’s Sunday edition for 75 cents hoping … Continue reading

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