Tag Archives: iPad

Travel Rx: iPad AND Kindle on Flight to Denver

 I’m on a Southwest flight, half way from Boston to Denver. In my “Life Is Good” cloth bag, I’m toting a Kindle 6-inch and the iPad on which I’m drafting this post in the Pages app.  I told Bryan … Continue reading

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Entering the Gates of iPad-mania

I arrived at the Cherry Creek Mall garage this morning at 4:30, which was early enough to put me first in the line of those who had reserved iPods at the Apple Store. The blue-shirted team was pumped up and … Continue reading

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First in Line for an iPad

I hadn’t planned to be here this early.  But when I woke up at 3:20 a.m. I knew there was no point in trying to sleep. So I arrived at the mall parking garage at 4:30 a.m. and saw someone … Continue reading

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A Sabbatical from Politics Till the Fourth of July

I have decided to take a five-month break from politics. To some extent, I have Steve Jobs to thank for this decision.  Apple’s handing down of its new tablet on Wednesday has turned the eBook space white hot.  The iPad … Continue reading

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