Tag Archives: Obama

Going Green

I can’t stand to look at images of oil-smothered birds and beaches soiled by black blobs. They make me nauseous, as does the media’s recent focus on whether the President is emoting enough.  I can’t even imagine the pressure building … Continue reading

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Were You There When They Passed Health Care, Great-Grampa?

The moment came like a mouse poking its nose into a room.  CSPAN’s “Yea” total morphed from 217 to 218, the number required for passage of HR 3962, the “Affordable Health Care for America Act.” I was in the guestroom … Continue reading

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Twitter Reunion at Town Hallapalooza

As I was monitoring Tweets during President Obama’s town hall in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, today I was very happy to see that my friend Jim Long, an ace NBC cameraman and new media visionary, was covering the event.  “@LenEdgerly is … Continue reading

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An Articulate Brit’s Parting Shot for America

Adrian Wooldridge, The Economist‘s Washington bureau chief and, for the past 13 years, author of the paper’s “Lexington” column, suitably chose July 4th for a farewell column titled “Two Cheers for America.” It’s a great read, one of my first … Continue reading

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